March 28, 2025


NEW plans are in process to develop model ecoretreats and ecovillages for sustainable living solutions in southern Colorado. This site is set ideally to evolve into a portal of eco-friendly content and community to engage people in solutions for global warming and more to help make a better world.

NewEarth.Works (NEW) is an entrepreneurial startup that can do much good for the world. Our purposes are to plan model eco-retreats and ecovillages while promoting conservation, permaculture, solutions for global warming and sustainability.

The website is set to develop into a portal of content, commerce and community centered in eco-friendly sustainable living. NEW internship programs can provide essential free education, income opportunities, experience and exposure that may launch amazing careers. There are great purposes and vast potential in the business model.

Ecommerce will expand with many categories of high quality eco-friendly products and especially excel in promoting green H2 innovations.

Eco-retreats and ecovillages may best exemplify sustainable living solutions using low cost techniques in permaculture, glamping, innovative earthen building techniques, geodesic domes, aquaponics, biophilic designs to grow many varieties of self-sustaining food resources all year long in remote beautiful places. We seek property in southern Colorado for first developments, offering excellent value propositions to landowners. The model may expand and be replicated (franchised) throughout the world in the future.

Read through the website for better full understandings. Visit often to see more NEW content.

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