The model is designed into memberships that may grow to include:
Managing members: executives who help develop the business and share in profits
Working members: people who work for the business, including interns
GoFundMe members: people who support us at the start
Online members: people who subscribe online
Sponsoring members: people and companies who sponsor products or developments
Premier members: people who become ecovillage(s) members at the start
Life members: people who lease lots for life in the ecovillage(s) and/or sponsor buildings
Guest members: people who lease in the ecovillage(s) for short terms
Volunteer members: people who volunteer to help at the ecovillage(s)
Please become a NEW online member at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-the-world-newearthworks-needs-your-help and https://www.patreon.com/newearthworks.
Become a Patron! Thanks!