March 24, 2025


NEW plans are in process to develop model ecoretreats and ecovillages for sustainable living solutions in southern Colorado. This site is set ideally to evolve into a portal of eco-friendly content and community to engage people in solutions for global warming and more to help make a better world.

Climate Change

The shifts in temperatures, weather patterns, melting glaciers can no longer be denied, nor that it is caused by humanity. People must become aware that the process of the 6th mass extinction has begun and how seriously alarming it is! The overuse of fossil fuels that produce CO2 and deforestation are destroying the planet’s atmosphere. Earth desperately needs more oxygen!

New Earth Works will lead in promoting permaculture, conservation and green hydrogen innovations as the best solutions to generate oxygen to restore the Earth’s ecosystems, atmosphere, climate and for sustainability of resources for the future.

Fossil fuels are unsustainable and toxic. It is vitally important that people become aware of environmental dangers, to become eco-friendly and focused on the Earth’s sustainability. Pollution threatens all life on Earth more than most people realize!

The facts are the Earth is travelling at 1000 miles per hour and there are now risks to consider that holes in layers of the atmosphere and weakened magnetosphere could reach a point of breach. At worst, all oxygen could suddenly be lost to outer space, rendering full mass extinction of all organic life on Earth, similar to Mars but all due to humanity. Escalating amounts of satellites and shuttles poking holes through the atmosphere are also troublesome and should be limited.

Earth’s natural responses to global warming could soon involve volcanoes to protect the atmosphere and decrease global temperatures. Previous mass extinction events were caused by global warming and volcanic eruptions. There plenty of indications that Earth changes are coming fast. The movement of the magnetic North Pole, polar vortex, shifts of axis and increase of speed in the revolution have been largely unnoticed by mass media. Rising sea levels will affect geophysics, while fracking on fault lines could trigger plate tectonics. NEW content in these topics may naturally lead people to topics in SHTF preparedness.

While we can’t control the damages of big corporations, there are things we can all do to help solve the problem of climate change! Everyone can easily learn to practice permaculture and conservation.

Green hydrogen innovations should prove to be perfect solutions for clean, abundant energy with oxygen emissions to meet all the needs of present and future generations. NewEarth.Works and NEW social media channels may present concepts in multimedia formats and promotions for engineers, nanotechnologists and people everywhere to become interested in the development of new green H2 innovations. We want to help important, innovative new products come to market as soon as possible to help save the world.

Much on this and many other topics in sustainable living will be developed with your support!

Act now! It is only 90 seconds midnight on the Doomsday Clock!
Here are a few reference articles about the Earth crisis situations:

Sixth Mass Extinction of Wildlife Accelerating: Study