February 6, 2025


NEW plans are in process to develop model ecoretreats and ecovillages for sustainable living solutions in southern Colorado. This site is set ideally to evolve into a portal of eco-friendly content and community to engage people in solutions for global warming and more to help make a better world.


NEW Earth Works will apply the science of composting for excellent permaculture and use creativity to practically make NEW artforms!

Composting is the most ancient natural way of managing waste that can actually upcycle it into nutrient rich soil and fertilizer for plants. There are three kinds: aerobic, anaerobic, and vermicomposting that we’ll cover. NEW solutions are innovative with DIY techniques to show online. We may very well develop some products for sale such as beautifully designed portable compost boxes.

NEW compostpourri: materials used for composting toilets can look and smell like potpourri, using things including: flower petals, dried fruit peels, leaves, twigs, grass clippings, dried coffee grounds, saw dust, crushed egg shells, bark chips, shredded paper to make it aesthetically pleasant as possible.

In ecovillages we may dig holes, build upraised flower bed frames covered on top with artistically designed toilet seats. Enclosed temporarily in tents or portable structures, this innovative method can be a two-fold solution for easily building toilets and creating soil in flower beds for the future.

All organic waste materials should be put into composting holes and bins, which may be treated with lime, ash, nitrogen, sand, silt, clay, loam so it doesn’t smell and has all the good properties to make excellent soil. Human (and carnivore) waste should only be used for composting soil for non-edible plants. Chickens, goats, cows, horses (herbivores) manure is used for composting and fertilizer for edible plants.

In recent years small composting products have come to market that can be good for urban people that we may feature in eCommerce.

It has been said that there are two types of people in the world: those who defecate in their drinking water and those who don’t. In our civilized society, few people may ever think about alternatives to flush toilets or how they pollute the water. Read the water purification section and know that there may be thousands of crazy complex chemical toxins in water these days. Good water purity is #1 priority.

There are many ways to DIY composting that we may show online. Much more information on this and many other topics in sustainable living can be developed with your support.

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