March 25, 2025


NEW plans are in process to develop model ecoretreats and ecovillages for sustainable living solutions in southern Colorado. This site is set ideally to evolve into a portal of eco-friendly content and community to engage people in solutions for global warming and more to help make a better world.


New Earth Works will promote green hydrogen as the best solution for global warming with clean, abundant energy for present and future generations. Green hydrogen is produced by renewable energy. This sector of the hydrogen economy is our focus in content and commerce.

Earth desperately needs more oxygen and for humanity to decrease CO2 emissions. Green hydrogen uses solar, wind power for water electrolysis, which separates H2 and O, so emissions are oxygen, in concept. Imagine planes, trains, automobiles, appliances and everything fueled by water, generating oxygen and water vapor emissions.

NEW aims are to inspire nanoelectrolyser microprocessors to power everything.

NewEarth.Works and NEW social media channels may present the concepts in multimedia formats and promotions for college students, engineers, nanotechnologists and people everywhere to become interested in the development of new green hydrogen innovations. We want to help bring important, innovative new products to market as soon as possible.

We may potentially develop or private label our own brand NEW innovations.

Much more content on this and many other topics in sustainable living will be developed with your support!

Act now! It is only 100 seconds midnight on the Doomsday Clock!
Less than 3 degrees F before Earth mass extinctions!

Please help us today!

Here are just a few reference articles about the needs for developing hydrogen power products:

The Production of Green Hydrogen Using Nanoparticles

Out of thin air: new solar-powered invention creates hydrogen fuel from the atmosphere

Florida man uses homemade hydrogen generator to power his old truck: