March 24, 2025


NEW plans are in process to develop model ecoretreats and ecovillages for sustainable living solutions in southern Colorado. This site is set ideally to evolve into a portal of eco-friendly content and community to engage people in solutions for global warming and more to help make a better world.

SHTF Preparedness

The threats of climate changes, pandemics, social unrest, natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and more are reasons for people to be prepared for SHTF scenarios.

NEW ecommerce will feature high quality products to recommend for people to have in case SHTF including water purifiers, off grid power and more.


Bluetti has high quality solar power products including portable generators, panels, batteries and whole house energy storage systems that are excellent for regular use and especially in case of emergencies.

SunJack delivers a durable and powerful solar charger in a compact size. Designed and engineered in the USA, SunJack is an essential accessory for any disaster emergency prep kit for survival.

SunJack 15 Watt Foldable ETFE Monocrystalline Solar Panel Charger with 10000mAh Powerbank Battery

NewEarth.Works will provide more information on this and other topics to help people with sustainable living solutions that may save lives in case SHTF.

If you’d like to read high quality content on this topic now, visit our friends at