March 6, 2025


NEW plans are in process to develop model ecoretreats and ecovillages for sustainable living solutions in southern Colorado. This site is set ideally to evolve into a portal of eco-friendly content and community to engage people in solutions for global warming and more to help make a better world.

Water Purification

Water is #1 most important of all for survival and good health. Bad water can cause serious illnesses and even death. It’s crazy like never before how many contaminants could be in municipal and well water. There are hundreds of known types of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, bacteria, viruses that may be on tap. Municipal water facilities don’t have the means to detox water of it all and pipes are also involved. Fracking, mining byproducts and chemicals could seep into well water.

Good water quality is a high priority to test and use purification methods. Before long NewEarth.Works ecommerce will link to high quality water testing and purification products. Here is a comprehensive overview:

• Filtration: there are countless types of filters and filtration systems on the market.

• Reverse osmosis: water may be technically too pure, stripped of essential minerals and salts that could be detrimental to long-term health, unless otherwise supplemented for.

• Distillation: pure water from steam but also lacking in minerals that are necessary for good health
and give water flavor.

• UV Purification: kills bacteria and viruses but does not remove dissolved impurities such as pesticides, rust, lead, arsenic, fluoride, etc.

• Ion Exchange: this is one of the most common water filtration methods but there risks of possible contamination to be aware of.

• Ultrafiltration (UF): pushes water through a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants, retains minerals in the water, while filtering out bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

• Draw water from air: atmospheric water generators are very cool but expensive at this time.

• Sedimentation: A common way of treating water used by municipalities in recycling water, a process that needs to be further purified to be potable.

• Gravity water filters: There are numerous products on the market and many possible ways to make good and inexpensive DIY water purifiers that use the force of gravity.

• DIY biofilters: Gravel, sand, charcoal, activated carbon and other DIY methods may be good for cleaner water quality but not nearly enough to be considered as purified drinking water.

• Boiling: Unless water has been purified it may be unsafe and should be boiled for 3 minutes, which will kill biological contaminants but could still be chemically toxic.

• Hot rocks boiling: In emergency situations without having a sturdy metal water bottle, canteen or pot to throw on a fire to boil water, you can use an ancient technique of heating hot stones in fire to transfer into a water container to heat the water to a boiling point that it can be safe to use for cooking.

• Ceramic beads: People in Asian countries have long used ceramic beads that are composed of very pure clay and enriched with microorganisms to clean water.

• Binchotan vegetable coal: Naturally absorbs toxins such as lead, mercury, cadmium, chlorine and copper and imparts good minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphates in water.

• Moringa seeds: Called the “miracle tree” due to the many uses of every part of the tree, Moringa seeds have been used in parts of the world for ages for potable water.

• Iodine, chlorine, chemical treatments may make water safe from biological contaminants but doesn’t remove any toxins.

• Bleach: The EPA recommends in case of emergencies to use regular, unscented chlorine bleach products that are suitable for disinfection and sanitization as indicated on the label with active ingredient 6 or 8.25% sodium hypochlorite.

• Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH): The EPA also recommends that in case of emergencies, if people have no other options, that granular calcium hypochlorite, which is used to kill germs in pool water and has chlorine in it, may be used for water disinfection.

• Non chemical stabilized oxygen: Unlike chlorine or iodine, stabilized oxygen acts selectively and doesn’t harm aerobic bacteria needed for good health, while most diseases and putrefying bacteria are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of concentrated oxygen.

** Shungite: an incredibly interesting solution comes from extraterrestrial origins! The black stones are 99% carbon atoms formed in clusters called fullerenes, which came to Earth from a meteorite that landed in Russia. In 1996 three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering its extraordinary properties. Amazingly shungite can remove biological and chemical toxins to purify water and does molecular things that that makes it full of beneficial health properties. The only possible downside of consuming all shungite water is that it could be too rich in minerals. I see it as the best solution in combination with the over purification methods such as distillation and reverse osmosis to reenergize water. It also protects against EMF radiation!

Dr. Masuro Emoto, who wrote the bestseller The Hidden Messages in Water, showed the geometries of water molecules can be affected by human consciousness, intent and sounds. It’s something that may be experimented with that doesn’t cost anything but time and energy thinking positive thoughts, writing positive words, playing good music to charge water! These techniques may be wonderful to practice at the NEW ecovillage in the future.

Soon we will link to high quality water purification products.

Related topics include water conservation methods:

Rainwater harvesting

Water storage systems, ideally used for hydroponics, aquaponics systems

Water retention ponds, ideally used for permaculture, aquaponics

Earthship techniques for full off grid self-contained water systems

Desalination methods

Much more information on this and many other topics in sustainable living can be developed with your support.

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